how to make a double beaded bracelet?

Jewelry making is a hobby growing in popularity. A trend that fits most budgets is how to make a double beaded bracelet to show your fashionable.making your own jewelry allows you to customize your accessories and create unique gifts. Read on to learn how to easily make a double-strand beaded bracelet that showcases elegance and style.

Gather the basic tools needed to create a double-strand beaded bracelet. Necessary items include soft-flex wire, crimp beads, pliers and scissors.

Choose the beads you’d like to use to create the beaded bracelet. If you plan to wear it often, choose neutral color beads that can match any ensemble. If it’s a gift, know the recipient’s favorite colors and choose beads in that color scheme. Different size beads should be used to create a unique look.

Pick a clasp for your double-strand beaded bracelet. Clasps range in style and price. A popular clasp type is the “lobster” clasp. This type is affordable, stylish and dependable.
Measure your wrist using the soft-flex wire. Cut two pieces of equal length–the size depending on how tight or loose you prefer the bracelet. Take one piece of wire and secure an end with a clip to stop strung beads from falling off.

String the beads in a desired pattern. Once finished with the first strand, string the second strand in the same pattern.

Place a crimp bead on the end of one strand, looping the remaining wire through the clasp and back through to the crimp bead. Secure the crimp bead with pliers by gently squeezing the bead around the wire. Repeat this step until the remaining three ends are secure and attached to the clasp.

how to make a double beaded bracelet