How to use a diffuser necklace? If you want to learn how to use a diffuser necklace, may be you will like this post. If you have many methods, also you can tell us.

Refreshing kitchen surface cleaner
Add 2-5 drops Lemon directly to a damp sponge. Use it to wipe countertops and cutting boards to help combat bacteria and germs.

Simple kitchen sink scrub
Combine 5 drops Bergamot, 5 drops Lime, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl and stir. Apply the mixture to the inside of the sink and scrub. Rinse with warm water.

Laundry freshener
Add 5-10 drops Grapefruit, Lavender or Simply Citrus to a small, slightly damp washcloth; place it in the dryer while drying towels, sheets and clothes for a clean, fresh aroma.

Trash can deodorizer
Add 1-3 drops Stress Relief or Sweet Ambiance onto a cotton ball and place it on the bottom of the trash can to help eliminate odors and germs.

Toilet rolls
Place 3-6 drops Joy or Relaxation on the inside of the cardboard tube of a roll of toilet paper.  The aroma will fragrance the bathroom with every turn.

Grout scrub
Combine 10 drops each of Lemongrass, Pine, Tea Tree, 1 cup baking soda, 3 tbsp liquid dish soap and 1 tbsp white vinegar.  Mix well, then place a small handful of the scrub on an abrasive sponge and clean grout.

How to use a diffuser necklace

Outdoor furniture scrub spray
Combine 20 drops each of Juniper Berry,  Lemon, Pine and 2 tbsp white vinegar in an 8 oz spray bottle.  Top off with water.  Shake well and spray patio furniture liberally, clean and scrub with a heavy rag.

Fridge refresher
Combine 5-10 drops Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot or Lemongrass to a small bowl of water. Wipe down the fridge or freezer with the water.

Ant & pest away
Add 2-4 drops Peppermint on a cotton ball and place in locations where you have had problems with ants or mice. The strong aroma will disrupt scent trails and discourage them from coming back.

Shoo fly don’t bother me
Place 2 cups dried flowers or potpourri in a decorative bowl. Sprinkle 10-15 drops Citronella over the dried flowers. Place in an area where you want to ward off flying insects.

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