How to Use Kettlebells? Do you know how to use a kettlebell correct?Is it easy to hurt the body when you exercises?

how to use kettlebells, Let’s take this push-up up a notch! Begin in a push-up position with the right arm holding the kettlebell. Perform a push-up and, at the top,  lift the right elbow by squeezing the shoulder blades together with the weight about six inches behind the body. Then return back to the starting push-up position, pushin’ for 5 to 8 reps with each arm. Kettlebells are a great way to spice up the usual lifting routine. As with traditional strength training, two days a week is a great place to start—but don’t hesitate to weave those kettlebells into the standard weightlifting routine (dumbbells, bodyweight exercises, and cardio included!). Just remember to give each muscle group a break (48 hours should usually do it), and don’t forget to try these out with a trainer before swingin’ solo. Using proper form is key for a workout that’s safe, effective, and fun!

This move is simply a push-up, but with kettlebells included! Grab hold of each handle in the usual start position, then lower the body before pushing back up. It’ll definitely feel challenging with those hands on handles rather than on the floor! Shoot for 10-15 reps.

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