What should i wear to the gym?

what should i wear to the gym?Go to the gym to exercise wear not very exquisite, is mainly a relaxed.It is best not to suit, to wait for more formal wear evening dress,Leather shoes, high heels, etc.It is better to wear sportswear, sports shoes.

fitness inspired jewelry


What should i wear to the gym?Fitness novice should pay attention to what problem

Health is the best means, strengthen physical health, improve their psychological quality, more and more people are willing to join the gym.For their own health, this is definitely a good thing, but at the same time, emphasis on fitness benefits, more want to remind those fitness novice, fitness can guarantee the health, but there are many factors to consider.
A lot of fitness for the first time, once in the gym, rather than running on a treadmill, in fact, this kind of practice is not correct.Warm up before, should do warm-up exercise, exercise can increase the temperature of the muscle, make muscles become more soft, not easy injury, squat legs news or under pressure can do exercise groups.The novice on the treadmill for the first time, should first walking, jogging for 15 minutes, exercise intensity is best can keep 3 weeks, according to personal health, and then slowly.