Why wear evil eye jewelry?

The evil eye jewelry is more and more popular all around the world,so why wear evil eye jewelry?And why they are so attactived by the people especially for the women and the girls,this article will discuss the meaning of wearing the evil eye jewelry?


Evil eye and health:

Evil eye jewelry promotes health through good fortunes and repelling bad energy. Some combine it with magnetic beads, such as hematite or magnetic metals to promote other health benefits as well.It is said, that if the evil eye cracks or breaks then it has protected you from harm and ill will.

Evil eye for children:

Parents put evil eye jewelry on their newborns in order to preserve their children’s potentials and success. The eye inspires growth, strength, and good health.

Today, evil eye jewelry is not only worn as protection, it has now become a fashion statement as well. The eye bead itself is usually made of glass and can be used with various other beads, hemp, ribbon, glass chips and agates to create protective works of art to wear.People need an evil eye because it will protect them from the evil eyes of others. The talismans are able to deflect any evil eye that may be cast the wearer’s way. These reflecting talismans are Greek in origin and many Grecian people wear them to protect themselves.

Today the evil eye talisman is as popular as ever.  It can be found in most countries around the globe.  People of all cultures are proudly displaying and wearing this ancient amulet of protection.  Even Hollywood celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Rihanna and Cameron Diaz have even been photographed wearing evil eye jewelry.


why wear evil eye jewelry