how to choose an engagement ring?

Shopping for an engagement ring doesn’t have to be a dreaded experience. Every one how to choose an engagement ring when they are working in the office.With the right amount of knowledge about what to look for in a ring, coupled with your excitement about asking the girl of your dreams to marry you, this can be an enjoyable exercise matching your newly discovered ring expertise with the money you’ve got available to spend. In this article, you’ll learn the most important things to consider when choosing an engagement ring for your beloved. See Step 1 to be on your way to choosing the perfect engagement ring for your bride to be.

Peek through her current jewelry to determine her general preferences.Choosing a ring is a tricky proposition — you want to get something she loves, but also keep it a surprise. The best way to do this is to see what other rings and jewelry she loves to wear. You don’t have to be an expert in jewelry. Instead, keep your eye out for the following trends:

Use hints, family, and friends to tease out ideas for potential engagement rings.Even if you take good notes on her current jewelry, many women have particular ideas about their perfect engagement rings.

Talk to her about alternative stones if you don’t think she is interested in diamonds. Diamonds account for almost 90% of all engagement rings sold, but they aren’t your only option. Many people, put off by illegal “blood diamonds,” the low intrinsic value of diamonds, (which companies artificially inflate), and the relative commonness of a diamond ring have decided on alternative stones.

how to choose an engagement ring