how to make braided bracelets?

The braided bracelets are more and more popular around the youth so how to make braided bracelets show our skill and the fashionable,this is article will teach you how to do the best braided bracelet.

Tie three different colors of yarn together. Tie a knot at the top of the string, leaving about one inch (2.5 cm) of string above the knot. Choose three different colors that look good together, such as red, white, and yellow. If you pick two colors that are too similar, such as dark blue and purple, then the colors will bleed into one another.

Cross the strand on the right over the strand in the middle. Now the strand on the right will be the middle strand of the bracelet. In this case, the red strand on the right becomes the strand in the middle, and the white strand in the middle becomes the strand on the right.

Cross the strand on the left over the strand in the middle. Now the yellow strand on the left becomes the middle strand, and the red strand in the middle becomes the left strand. Braid the bracelet exactly as you would braid hair.

Repeat steps 2-3 until you’ve braided an entire bracelet. The bracelet should fit comfortably around your wrist. Once you’ve found the desired length of your bracelet, tie the end in a knot, leaving an inch of string.

Tie the two ends of the bracelet together and wear! Finished.

how to make braided bracelets