How to use diffuser oil? There are a lot of interesting ways to use diffuser oil. I like use these ways to make my life more nice. You may like it.

Ways to use diffuser oils:

Refreshing kitchen surface cleaner
Add 2-5 drops Lemon directly to a damp sponge. Use it to wipe countertops and cutting boards to help combat bacteria and germs.

Simple kitchen sink scrub
Combine 5 drops Bergamot, 5 drops Lime, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl and stir. Apply the mixture to the inside of the sink and scrub. Rinse with warm water.

Laundry freshener
Add 5-10 drops Grapefruit, Lavender or Simply Citrus to a small, slightly damp washcloth; place it in the dryer while drying towels, sheets and clothes for a clean, fresh aroma.

Trash can deodorizer
Add 1-3 drops Stress Relief or Sweet Ambiance onto a cotton ball and place it on the bottom of the trash can to help eliminate odors and germs.

Toilet rolls
Place 3-6 drops Joy or Relaxation on the inside of the cardboard tube of a roll of toilet paper.  The aroma will fragrance the bathroom with every turn.

Grout scrub
Combine 10 drops each of Lemongrass, Pine, Tea Tree, 1 cup baking soda, 3 tbsp liquid dish soap and 1 tbsp white vinegar.  Mix well, then place a small handful of the scrub on an abrasive sponge and clean grout.

Mini Crock Pot Air Freshener: Purchase a tiny crock pot (they are very inexpensive) and put some water in the pot and add either essential oils or actual ingredients (cinnamon sticks, whole clove, lemon or orange peels) and let simmer. Add additional water as needed.

Quick and Easy Natural Air Freshener: This is one of the fastest ways to fill a room with the natural scents of aromatherapy. Put a bowl of boiling water on the kitchen counter, in the bathroom or any room you want to scent. It’s best to use a glass bowl. I just put the bowl of water in the microwave for 5 minutes and heat it. Add 1-9 drops of the essential oil of your choice to the boiling water and in a few seconds the entire area will be filled with a wonderful scent. It’s amazing how fast the scent fills the room!

Pet Urine Odor:  First use paper towels to soak up as much as you can. Then pour some baking soda on the area and let sit for at least a half hour to absorb the odor. Next pour Peroxide diluted with some water over the baking soda and scrub the area.

Mold Killer Spray: Simply mix 2 teaspoons Tea Tree oil in 2 cups of warm water. Pour into a spray bottle and shake to blend. Spray the molded area. Let sit for around a half hour, then wipe with cloth. Do not rinse.

Freshen Your Mattress: Put 12 drops of Lavender essential oil into a half cup of baking soda and mix. Sprinkle the mixture on your mattress and let sit for an hour or more. Then vacuum up the powder. You can use any essential oil you like but you will want to use one that is relaxing.

how to make diffuser oil