how to use a money clip?
Learn the basics of use money clip. Once you know how to use them, money clips offer an easy, convenient way to handle your money. If you’ve never used a money clip before, use the instructions below. In broad strokes, the process of using a money clip goes likethis:Gather your paper bills and credit cards.Fold the bills in half.Push the bills (folded side first) into the clip. The prongs should hold them there.Slide the credit cards under the prong. Some money clips will also have a pocket or band to hold these.Put the money clip in your pocket. Some will let you attach the clip to the material of the pocket for easy access.When you want to use your money, you can either reach in and grab a bill or pull the whole clip out and go through it.
Stack your bills in order. In the rest of this section, you’ll learn how to use money clip like a pro. Start by grabbing your paper bills and making a small, neat stack from them. There are two schools of thought in terms of how to order them:For convenience, put the bigger bills on the bottom and the smaller bills on the top. This way, when you fold the bills over, it’s easy to pull small bills out of the clip from the middle when you need to make everyday purchases.For security, put the smaller bills on the bottom of the stack. This way, you’re advertising your smallest bills — a good idea for discouraging pickpockets.
Slide your cash and cards into your money clip. Slide the folded stack of cash (fold first) into the clip. The pressure from the prongs should keep it in place.
- If you use money clip with an attached card holder, slip your cards (ID, credit, and debit card) into the card holder. Then, slide your cash into the money clip and fit it securely.
- If you use a magnetic money clip, hold your credit cards somewhere else. The magnet can de-magnetize the cards’ magnetic strips over time, ruining them
- Slip the money clip into a pocket. Your money clip is ready to use. Now, you just need to decide where to carry it. You have a few options here:
- The front pocket of your pants provides easy access, but takes up space you might use for your phone, keys, and so on.
- The rear pocket of your pants can also be convenient, but it makes your clip a little more vulnerable to pick-pockets. Some people experience back pain from carrying things in their rear pockets (though this is worst with bulky wallets).[4]
- The breast pocket of a coat or jacket provides a bit more security, as long as you can remember not to leave the jacket behind.
- Pull money from the clip as needed. With a little practice, it shouldn’t take long to learn how to slide individual bills from the clip. You can even do this without taking your clip out of your pocket if you remember the order you stacked your bills in. It’s also fine to take out the clip, remove the folded wad of cash, and go through it to find the bills or cards you need.