how to make wraps?
how to make wraps? Wrist is the most common parts of our body, the wrist appears tendon inflammation of the opportunity is very high. Wearing the wrist is one of the effective ways to protect it from sprains or accelerate healing.
Follow the steps below,you will find it very funny.
To make the pattern, cut three 11-x 3.5″ pieces from your printer paper. You could make four pieces from the two sheets, but you only need three.
Take one strip of paper and use your ruler to mark off 1.25″ from the left side and then 1.25″ from the right side (the second mark should be at the 2.25″ mark on the ruler) along the narrow edge, as shown.
Measure down each side 2″ and make a mark.
Draw lines to connect the marks, as shown, to form a point.
Cut along the two marked lines.
Complete your pattern by taping two non-pointed 11″ strips of paper together and then tape your pointed strip into place on one end. It is easiest to do this if you overlap the paper very slightly and then tape it in place on both sides. You are finished with your pattern!
Before placing your pattern to cut the fabric, you should iron the fabric. I always iron fabric before cutting anything out because it makes the pieces more exact and the finished product better.
Fold your fabric so that the “right sides” face each other, place the pattern piece, and pin it in place. If your fabric has a distinct directional design, make sure your pattern is placed straight along the design instead of at a funny angle that will make the wraps look sideways.
Cut along your pattern through both fabric thicknesses.
Repeat steps eight and nine to create the pieces for your second wrap.
Your fabric pieces should already be lined up and facing each other “wrong side out.” Make sure the ends line up and then pin them in place.
Using a straight stitch, stitch all the way around each set of pieces, but make sure to leave the top point open, as shown. I like to stitch about 1/4″ away from the fabric’s edges. If you take in commercial seam allowances of 5/8″ using the pattern you just made, the wraps will be too narrow.
Clip the two bottom corners on each wrap to remove excess fabric. This allows the finished wraps to have crisper points without awkward lumps.
Turn the wraps right side out by pulling the fabric out through the open point.
Iron the turned wraps, making sure to turn under and press the unfinished edges along the open point.
Cut your tie material so you have two pieces that are each approximately 16-17″ long. If you are using twill tape, you can simply knot one end of each tie to prevent the whole tie from fraying. I like to use paracord for my ties. I strip the inner white strands to use just the outer sheet and melt each end with a lighter to prevent unraveling.
Insert a tie end through the open hole and pin it in place so that it is running down the point’s middle and ends just below the “shoulders” of the wrap.Repeat for the second wrap.
Carefully stitch straight across from shoulder to shoulder, stitching the tie’s end in place in the process, on each wrap.
Starting at the point end, stitch all the way down the middle of each wrap.
Measure 18″ up from the flat end of each wrap and mark it on both sides with a pin.
Straight stitch from one pin, down along the flat edge, and up to the other pin. Stitch no more than 1/4″ away from the edge and try to keep the spacing as consistent as possible. Repeat on the other wrap.
Change your machine to a zigzag stitch and use this stitch to top stitch where you have not straight stitched. In other words, the zigzag should go up and around the point, then back down the other side to meet the straight stitching. Overlap the zigzag with the straight stitch slightly, but about 1/2″ or so. Repeat on the second wrap.
Iron your wraps one last time and you are ready to go!